Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Stilled Stalled

I cannot wait to get back to making this bag!!! Yet life is not cooperating. I paused for a bag exchange. At first I was going to make this for it. but It was quickly clear I would be late if I did that. So it was shelved for a quicker bag for the exchange. Once that was done dh pressed for me to make Christmas presents and since I had been planning to make a some I figured why not. Well Dec. 20 Christmas was moved 100 miles to my house. Knowing I was pushing it I figured I would manage some how. Then came that fateful day December 21, 2006. It was after 7 maybe 7:30 P.M. my cell phone rang while I was at the high school wrestling meet. Both of my parent were taken to the hospital 100 miles away. Many calls later I rested that night. Yet early the next Day it was clear I was going to me making that 100 mile trip daily for several days. One day taking POA paper to the hospital and nursing home. Next day taking them to the credit union. Back for Christmas with dh's side while spending much of the day in ICU at the hospital and some at the nursing home, when I was with dh's side My mind was else where. Day after I was about to get mom settled into the nursing home until dad could get here out when ICU called I need to get back. By the time I got across town dad was gone. The big fight started with my youngest brother rather his girl friend but it might as well be the same. Now on 3/6/2007. I still need to finish 3 of the Christmas Bags. All they have needed is linings and finish touches but I am swamped with POA and Successor Trustee, Executrix stuff for my parents. Do not miss understand it is a privilege to be chosen for all of this, yet a lot of work. So my bag of supplies sit looking at me calling me and I have not had enough hours in the day to touch it since I put it down?
Want to motivate me to making this priority one again? How dare my friends tell me they are having babies? =-)

I want to make this bag!


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